Metadata and You
You're probably familiar, at least in passing, with the concept of metadata. It's data about data. In terms of audio files, it's things like:
- Bitrate
- Duration/Length
- Artist
- Album
- Track Position (if available)
- Year released (if available)
Today, I'm using TinyTag (pip install tinytag
) to extract metadata (and TinyTag only supports this), but there's a whole plethora of libraries to extract and set audio metadata:
I actually don't spend a terrible amount of time on actually pulling the metadata out. It's extremely straightforward with TinyTag. I spend more time with processing and massaging that data into information we can really work with. I revisit the cacheing decorator from the decorator post (and don't follow much of my own advice -- it's kind of a do as I say, not as I do sort of thing, even then I'm not even really giving that great of advice) as well as improving on the Artist/Album/Track mock data models from the API post as well. There's also a little bit about recursively walking directories and selectively looking for the files you want.
Becoming the NSA of your Music
Getting the metadata is incredibly easy. I'm only going to extract it from one artist today, but extending this out to covering your whole library is easy (well, as long as you store your music in one location and in a reasonable pattern).
from tinytag import TinyTag
import os, os.path as path
# audio types TinyTag supports
valid_types = ('mp3', 'ogg', 'oga', 'wav', 'flac')
# artist directory
acid_bath = '/home/justanr/Music/Acid Bath/'
#extract the directories within the artist directory
albums = [path.join(acid_bath, a) for a in os.listdir(acid_bath) if not 'Demos' in a]
tracks = []
# extract tracks from each album directory
for album in albums:
_tracks = []
for t in os.listdir(album):
# did you know it was possible to pass an iterable to str.endswith?
if not t.endswith(valid_types):
_tracks.append(path.join(album, t))
del _tracks # no need for hanger-ons.
# convert track paths to TinyTag objects
tracks = [TinyTag.get(t) for t in tracks]
# string representation is actually a
# string representation of a dictionary
# created on the fly from the public
# values on the actual object
As an aside, if you've never listened to Acid Bath, I can't recommend them enough. Hard rocking, groovy sludgey metal with lyrics that are equal parts Lewis Carroll, grotesque and drug binge. Some songs are more the typical what the layman thinks of metal (Jezebel, Cheap Vodka) but with songs like Venus Blue, Bleed Me an Ocean and Dead Girl there's really something for most people.
Data Munging and You
Alright, looks like I have an encoding issue. There is something to note here though: \x03
denotes END OF TEXT
and to my understanding you're suppose to see it in ID3 tags (though, that's based on second hand information as my search-fu didn't turn up anything). However, I have actually run into an encoding issue using TinyTag (I'm not sure if the problem is with the file, Python, IPython or TinyTag). An example:
nzp = TinyTag.get('/home/justanr/Music/At the Drive‐In/Relationship of Command/11 Non‐Zero Possibility.mp3')
print('Expected: At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command - 11 - Non-Zero Possibility')
print('Actual: ', ' - '.join([nzp.artist, nzp.album, nzp.track, nzp.title]))
# This is just a bandage.
# The actual issue is an encoding issue
# I've not been able to track down.
# I'd like to thank /u/anossov and /u/ryeguy146
# for help, even though we all agree this isn't
# the correct way to address the issue at hand
def fixer(value, ignore=(AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError), handle=None):
'''Actual fixer function for fix_track
ignore is a tuple of exceptions we should just discard.
handle is an optional exception handler.
value = value.encode('latin-1').decode('utf-8').strip()
# matching \x03 is frustrating
# again, just a crutch to lean on
if not value[0].isprintable():
value = value[1:]
except ignore as e:
if handle:
# we always end up here
return value
def fix_track(
fields=('artist', 'album', 'title', 'track', 'year', 'track_total'),
int_convert=('track', 'year', 'track_total')
'''Fix encoding issue encountered on some tracks.
Accepts a track object and attempts to massage the data in our favor.
* fixer is the function we want to run on this track to correct data
* fields in the specific fields we'd like to attempt to correct
* int_convert is a subset of fields that is data that should be integers
for f in fields:
value = getattr(track, f)
if not value:
# value is likely None
# we'll pass on this value
# to avoid blowing up
value = fixer(value)
if f in int_convert:
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
setattr(track, f, value)
# TODO: need to make this mutable
# for now, it's hardcoded as TinyTag
# stores duration as a float
track.duration = int(track.duration)
# returning the track allows us
# to be flexible in application
# of this function
return track
nzp = fix_track(nzp)
print('After Fixing: ', ' - '.join([nzp.artist, nzp.album, str(nzp.track), nzp.title]))
As you can see, encoding issues are painful. This bandage is the best I can come up with until I can actually track down and address the issue. However, this works for now (and like so many #TODO: Address actual issue
functions, it'll inevitable end up in my codebase permanently).
This is an example of data munging. You'll mostly hear that phrase in machine learning and data processing. But when you think about, isn't all programming data processing? Data munging is the process of taking in data and massaging it into a form you can work with. Most of the time, this involves just converting data from one type to another. Sometimes it involves just throwing data away and knowing when you should.
In this case, it's taking a TinyTag object and breaking it into three separate pieces: Artist, Album and Track data models. Just like in the API data mocking post, these stand in for actual data models. However, now, there's a fair bit of magic going on: cacheing, auto registration of albums and tracks on relevant models, and for good measure: total ordering.
Cacheing is not done entirely correctly, but do note the use of WeakValueDictionary
which stores weak references. Weak references allow an object to be garbage collected when it's the only remaining reference left. Meaning if we created a bunch of Artist objects, stuffed them into permanent storage somewhere and then deleted the objects (and all their "strong" references), Python can come clean up some memory for us. Which is incredibly useful when dealing with a lot of data at once.
import itertools as it
from functools import wraps, partial
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
# Too lazy to spend time manipulating
# __new__ or making a metaclass
# (actually, I spent a lot of time being frustrated at them)
# to handle this so there's this hack
def cache(cls):
'''Helper caching and identification methods.'''
_registry = WeakValueDictionary()
_ids = it.count(1)
def by_name(name):
return _registry.get(name, None)
def wrapper(name, *args, **kwargs):
nonlocal _registry, _ids
if name not in _registry:
# create a new instance of the class
instance = cls(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
# generate id for the instance = next(_ids)
# register the instance
_registry[name] = instance
#reuturn the instance
return _registry[name]
wrapper.by_name = by_name
return wrapper
class ComparableMixin(object):
def _compare(self, other, method):
return method(self._cmpkey(), other._cmpkey())
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# _cmpkey not implemented, or return different type,
# so I can't compare with "other".
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._cmpkey())
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s < o)
def __le__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s <= o)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s == o)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s >= o)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s > o)
def __ne__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s,o: s != o)
class Artist(ComparableMixin):
def __init__(self, name, albums=None): = None = name
# albums should be a list of albums
# but it becomes a dictionary
# probably shouldn't actually do this
self.albums = albums or {}
if self.albums:
albums = [Album.by_name(a) for a in albums]
self.albums = { for a in albums if a is not None}
def _cmpkey(self):
'''This key is used by ComparableMixin for ordering.
It is also used for hashing. Including the id is good
practice here to ensure that we don't accidentally create
two objects with the same name that makes this useless
in a hashtable.
# tuples compare across like this:
# self[0] op other[0] ... self[n] op other[n]
# until the tuples don't match
# then Python sorts them accordingly
# meaning often the whole tuple doesn't get
# compared to another tuple
# this is helpful when you want a default
# multivalue sort
return (,
def __repr__(self):
return "<Artist name={} id={}>".format(,
class Album(ComparableMixin):
def __init__(self, name, artist=None, tracks=None): = None = name
self.artist = Artist.by_name(artist)
self.tracks = tracks or []
if self.artist:
self.artist.albums[] = self
if tracks:
tracks = [Track.by_name(t) for t in tracks]
self.tracks = [t for t in tracks if not t is None]
def _cmpkey(self):
return (self.artist,,
def __repr__(self):
artist = if self.artist else "<BLANK>"
return "<Album name={} artist={} id={}>".format(, artist,
class Track(ComparableMixin):
def __init__(self, name, track, length, artist=None, album=None): = None = name
self.track = track
self.length = length # in seconds
self.artist = Artist.by_name(artist)
self.album = Album.by_name(album)
if self.album:
def _cmpkey(self):
return (self.album, self.track,,
def __repr__(self):
album = if self.album else "<BLANK>"
artist = if self.artist else "<BLANK>"
return "<Track artist={} album={} track={} name={} id={}>".format(artist, album, self.track,,
# Mini unit tests ;)
# gorguts = Artist(name='Gorguts')
# obscura = Album(name='Obscura', artist='Gorguts')
# obscura_track = Track(name="Obscura", track=1, length=244, artist="Gorguts", album="Obscura")
# assert obscura.artist is gorguts
# assert in gorguts.albums
# assert obscura_track in obscura.tracks
# assert obscura == gorguts.albums['Obscura']
# assert Artist.by_name('blank') is None
# assert Artist(name='test').id == 2
# assert Artist(name='Gorguts') is gorguts
# print(gorguts, obscura, obscura_track)
So much hard work taken care of for us with a little magic. The little unittest at the end is to assure us everything is working as intended. Uncomment them to see them in action.
The Comparable
mixin, I shamelessly stole, but it'll make life much easier on the other end of this conversion if we need to sort a collection of Artist
, Album
or Track
objects. I added the __hash__
method to it. Technically it should be a HashableMixin
, there's already a ton of stuff going on in this frame, I decided another class would just add to the noise.
Now, we need to massage our list of Acid Bath tracks into these models. You didn't think I forgot about them, did you?
from collections import namedtuple
tracks = [fix_track(track) for track in tracks]
# our sort and groupby key function
key = namedtuple('key', ['artist', 'album', 'track'])
compare = lambda t: key(t.artist, t.album, t.track)
# named after the pattern
adaptor = lambda t: {'artist':t.artist, 'album':t.album, 'length':t.duration, 'name':t.title, 'track':t.track}
# this keeps us from creating a big list
# with the same artist, albums and tracks
# over and over by accident
artists = set()
albums = set()
_tracks = set()
for keys, grouped in it.groupby(tracks, key=compare):
albums.add(Album(name=keys.album, artist=keys.artist))
for track in grouped:
artists = list(artists)
albums = list(albums)
tracks = list(_tracks)
# no hanger ons!
del _tracks
print("Artists: ", *artists, sep='\n')
print("\nAlbums: ", *sorted(albums), sep='\n')
print("\nTracks: ", *sorted(tracks), sep='\n')
Of course to avoid dealing with "hanger on" variables as I like to call them, this logic (as well as the logic to take a directory and extract it's subdirectories and finally the music files in it) could be stored in a function that'd be callable again and again. Something like this:
def get_music_files(basedir, valid_types=('mp3', 'ogg', 'oga', 'wav', 'flac'), ignore=None):
'''Walks the base directory to extract album directories from it.
Then walks each album directory to extract valid audio files from it.
The optional ignore attribute is a callback that allows you to dynamically
ignore certain directories.
tracks = []
albums = []
for a in os.listdir(basedir):
if ignore and ignore(a):
albums.append(path.join(basedir, a))
for album in albums:
_tracks = []
for t in os.listdir(album):
if not t.endswith(valid_types):
_tracks.append(path.join(album, t))
return tracks
def convert_tinytags(tracks, key_fields=('artist', 'album', 'track'), adaptor=None):
'''Accepts an iterable of TinyTag objects (or similar) and parses them
into Artist, Album and Track objects.
* tracks: iterable of track objects
* key fields: fields used for sorting and grouping the track objects
* adaptor: optional callback for extracting information from the old
track objects to create the new track objects
key = namedtuple('key', key_fields)
def compare(track):
values = []
for field in key_fields:
values.append(getattr(track, field))
return key(*values)
if not adaptor:
adaptor = lambda t: {'artist':t.artist, 'album':t.album, 'length':t.duration, 'name':t.title, 'track':t.track}
# this keeps us from creating a big list
# with the same artist and albums over and over
artists = set()
albums = set()
_tracks = set()
for keys, grouped in it.groupby(tracks, key=compare):
albums.add(Album(name=keys.album, artist=keys.artist))
for track in grouped:
return list(artists), list(albums), list(_tracks)
tracks = get_music_files('/home/justanr/Music/At the Drive‐In/')
tracks = [TinyTag.get(t) for t in tracks]
tracks = list(map(fix_track, tracks))
artists, albums, tracks = convert_tinytags(tracks)
# of course you could just:
# artists, albums, tracks = convert_tinytags([fix_track(TinyTag.get(t)) for t in get_music_files(...)])
# But that's also pretty hard to read, too
print("Artists: ", *artists, sep='\n')
print("\nAlbums: ", *sorted(albums), sep='\n')
print("\nTracks: ", *sorted(tracks), sep='\n')
Of course, we could generalize get_music_files
to recursively walk the base Music directory so it's not confined to my organizational scheme.
def r_get_music_files(basedir, valid_types=('mp3', 'ogg', 'oga', 'wav', 'flac'), ignore=None):
tracks = []
for f in os.listdir(basedir):
f = path.join(basedir, f)
# we can now filter both directories and files
# passing the full path will even allow
# ignore to filter based on if `f` is
# a directory or file
if ignore and ignore(f):
elif path.isdir(f):
tracks.extend(r_get_music_files(f, valid_types, ignore))
elif not f.endswith(valid_types):
# must be a file we're looking for
return tracks
# only going to point this at a artist directory
# the `An Awesome Wave` album is a directory in here
# just to demonstrate that this does in fact work as intended
tracks = r_get_music_files('/home/justanr/Music/Alt-J/')
tracks = [TinyTag.get(t) for t in tracks]
tracks = list(map(fix_track, tracks))
artists, albums, tracks = convert_tinytags(tracks)
print("Artists: ", *artists, sep='\n')
print("\nAlbums: ", *sorted(albums), sep='\n')
print("\nTracks: ", *sorted(tracks), sep='\n')
That works, but it's recursive (in a bad way). And it stores everything in memory. Yuck. I have approximately 26,000 or so audio files chilling in my music directory. Do we really want to store all that information all at once when the ultimate goal is to simlply stuff it in the database (did I give away my plan?) and throw the immediate result away.
You know what's really good at doing something and then throwing results away? Generators. Adapting r_get_music_files
to a general file walker is trivial but I'm slightly vain and overly happy with my end generator. Before anyone jumps on me and says, "ALEC! There's os.walk! You've got os imported already!"
I know. os.walk
almost does what we want: start with a folder, find the subfolders, yield a list of things. Except in this case it's three tuples: (dirpath, dirnames, filenames)
. Which means we need to then parse that before getting to what we want. We could also use glob for this -- iglob uses an iterator -- but that delves into using regular expressions. There's pathlib
in 3.4, but I'm ultimately unfamilar with it.
def walk(basedir, ignore=None):
for f in sorted(os.listdir(basedir)):
# store fullpath separately so we can
# easily pass it if needed
fp = os.path.join(basedir, f)
if ignore and ignore(basedir, f):
elif os.path.isdir(fp):
# to quote Dave Beazley:
# "Yield from is the ultimate not my problem.
# It just says, 'Here's some generator, you deal with it.'"
yield from walk(fp, ignore)
# must be a file we're looking for
yield fp
def ignore(base, f, valid_types=('.mp3', '.ogg', '.oga', '.wav', '.flac')):
'''Example ignore function.'''
fp = os.path.join(base, f)
# ignore 'hidden' files and directories
if f.startswith('.'):
return True
# filter actual files based on their extension
elif os.path.isfile(fp) and not f.lower().endswith(valid_types):
return True
# got here, so we return False to *not* ignore this file
# a little confusing
# also, I don't like if/elif without a else
return False
# breaking the adaptor fully out into it's own function as well
# even though for this example we're dealing exclusively with
# TinyTag, I did give links to several other metadata libraries
# maybe you're dealing with one of those?
adaptor = lambda t: {'artist':t.artist, 'album':t.album, 'length':t.duration, 'name':t.title, 'track':t.track}
def convert_track(track, adaptor):
info = adaptor(track)
artist = Artist(name=info['artist'])
album = Album(name=info['album'], artist=info['artist'])
track = Track(**info)
return artist, album, track
%timeit -n 100 -r 5 next(walk('/home/justanr/Music/', ignore=ignore))
%timeit -n 100 -r 5 next(os.walk('/home/justanr/Music'))
track = next(walk('/home/justanr/Music/', ignore=ignore))
track = TinyTag.get(track)
track = fix_track(track)
print(*convert_track(track, adaptor), sep='\n')
It's still procedural code but it's nicely composable. And it's quick. In this particular instance, it's faster than os.walk but I've always thought benchmarks are useless without a greater context -- so for shits and giggles, I ran both over my Music directory (with all 26,000+ files), just spitting values into 0 length deque, and my walk function took about ~560ms, os.walk took ~350ms. Considering we're doing a little more work than os.walk, I'll take it any day of the week.
And even though convert_track only accepts one track now, chunking over walk with islice
is obvious.
Now that I've digressed completely from audio metadata to quickly processing through files, I think I'll end here.